Exact replicas of the originals, both in terms of material and design, these pieces of furniture are real little works of art.
Everything is meticulously respected in the manufacture of these replicas: the structure, materials and colors are identical to the original work. Originally conceived from a purely educational perspective, the concept gradually turned into collectibles.
The big names in design are featured in this Vitra collection, such as Mies Van der Rohe, Eames, Vermer Panton, Saarinen.
The chair designed by Verner Panton is an example of Panton's experimentation with shapes and colors and with materials. This is how the Panton Chairs arose. The chair has become a true classic and has been awarded various prizes from the moment it was put into production.
Material: Plastic
Dimensions: Depth / Length 8.5 Width 8.5 Height 14 - Scale ratio 1:6.
Article number: 20213101
Weight: 1000