Vass 40:135 cabinet / black walnut oak

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  • Nordic New bestaat 25 jaar
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Product information

Vass sideboard V40 -135.

The Asplund Vass 40:135 Stand sideboard exemplifies the beauty of black walnut veneer wood, using the wood's rich textures to enhance the feel and functionality of the sideboard.

The sideboard's three doors hide the generous internal cupboard space, and is perfect for storing a wide variety of different items. Whether you use it to store plates and crockery in your dining room, or to tidy up the living room, the Claesson Koivisto Rune sideboard is perfect for a wide variety of different styles in your home.

The dimensions of the cabinet are: Height: 72 cm x width: 135 cm x depth: 40 cm

Materials & finishes: Sideboard with veneered oak frame and solid oak base.

About the designers:

The Swedish partnership Claesson Koivisto Rune was founded in 1995 as an architectural firm, but is multidisciplinary in the classic Scandinavian way, meaning they practice both architecture and design.

Furniture designs by Marten Claesson, Eero Koivisto and Ola Rune are produced by companies such as Almedahls, Atelje Lyktan (Floor and table lamp Berlin), Asplund, Boffi, Cappellini, David design, Dune, E&Y, Franc franc, Iren Uffici, Living Divani, among others , Nola, Offect, Sfera Products, Skandiform, Swedese.

Weight: 1000

Colli: 1

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Vass 40:135 cabinet / black walnut oak
Vass 40:135 cabinet / black walnut oak

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